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Induls: 2003-05-10
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Alaszka : Eszkimo-Angol szotar 2

Eszkimo-Angol szotar 2

Barabera es Atesz  2004.05.24. 03:11

a szotar folytatasa..

Magyar Eszkimo Angol




semiktok crushed
  senneksarpok works at
senneksorpok makes preparations
sennetuyok is good at work
sertuvok stops one's nose not to smell
siarnak grey colour
sikkiwok chin in water to drink, etc
siktartok zip
sila  atmosphere, intelligence
silatunerk intelligence, shrewdness
silatusarpok is prudent, thinks ahead
silatuyok is shrewd
simmiktartok has hiccups
sinaliarpok goes to the edge of ice



semiktok - crushed
senneksarpok - works at
senneksorpok - makes preparations
sennetuyok - is good at work
sertuvok - stops one's nose not to smell
siarnak - grey colour
sikkiwok - chin in water to drink, etc
siktartok - zip
sila - atmosphere, intelligence
silatunerk - intelligence, shrewdness
silatusarpok - is prudent, thinks ahead
silatuyok - is shrewd
simmiktartok - has hiccups
sinaliarpok - goes to the edge of ice

sinnaktomawok - dreams v.
sinnik - sleep
sinnikpok - sleeps v.
sinniktarpok - sleeps (camps away from home)
siorauyak - sugar
sirayukpok - reproaches
sirkromiarpok - kneels down
sirkropterpok - takes apart, undoes
sitakpok - loses when playing
sitamangat - the fourth
siterpok - repulses, recoils
sitiyok - is hard
sitorarpok - slides
situngayok - stretched out
situyok - slides, comes down rivers, etc.
sivanerteriyok - rings the bell
sivikiktok - is at a short distance
sivituyok - is at a long distance
sivudlerk - the first one
sivudlerpok - goes ahead
sivulingayok - goes first, flirts
sokoersiwok - recognizes well, understands well
sokoserpok - changes
sokosuitok - never changes
sorangayok - is not well disposed
sororpok - useless
sorosuitok - is still useful
soruserk (Okk.) - child
sudluarnartok - is very interesting
suglunartok - is despicable
sukkittok - wounds underfeet
suiksarpok - despises others
sujomiyok - is discouraged
sukkaitok - is very slow
sukkaliyok - is swift
sukkorpok - corrects s.o.
sukko - is evil
suksauyok - is useful
suli - again, once more
suliwok - is busy
sulsriyok - does nothing
sumikpok - tries to cry
sunakasuitok - deserted
sunasorpok - eats remains
sungauyak - pearl
sungejuitok - does not change
sungowok - is strong
sungouyarpok - fights until gets a black eye
sutkorpok - corrects s.o.



Introduction to Eskimo words beginning with the letter T

Here are some ideas suggested by words beginning with the letter T:
TA: idea of the place occupied:
takpani, away inland; takanna, that one over there; tamna, this one here.
TAR: idea of movement, change, etc.:
tarralikitak, butterfly; tarraiyartut, they have a movie show.
TI: idea of violence, force, etc.:
tigliktok, robs, steals; tilliwok, sends s.o.; tiluktut, snow beater
TO or TU: idea of foundation, base, etc.:
tungavik, stook, base; tutpok, touches the ground, has a base.
tablurutit - tatooings around chin
tadlikpok - scratches
tadlimangat, tadlimat - the fifth
tadluk, tadluark - snow-shoe
taggiarpok - goes inland with whole family
tagiortorpok - sneezes
togvawutit - good bye (to those staying home.)
takpiitok - does not see well
takpikpok - has a good sight, sees well
takrayok - is tired
taku - look!
takudjutinerk - vision, sight
takuganartok - looks at pictures
takuminartok - nice to look at
takumortok - is hypocrite
takungarpok - is shy (sees for first time)
takuyok - sees, looks and sees
talleriktok - has strong arms
talliktok - is hidden
tallikut - shield
tallungmiyok - hides face in hands
tamatkerpok - takes entirely all
tamattomani - once more, again
tammarnartok - is deceiving, scandalizing
tammarnerk - fault, error, deception
tammarpok - is lost, is wrong, etc.
tammarsaiye - one who induces into error
tamuasukpok - bites, eats, chews
tamuawok - takes a bite
tapiyok - more than one at a time
tappaiyok - teases on purpose
tappasukpok - is teasing much
tapsikpok - walks (without seeing ahead)
tapsitarpok - touches, feels
tarrartut - looking glass, mirror
tassiorpok - guides, leads by the hand
tatabjiyok - is suddenly frightened
tatamnartok - is marvelous
tatapsimanartok - is miraculous
tatattok - is full
tatiksarpok - seeks help
tatiriyok - has confidence
taursiwok - exchanges
tautukpok - sees
terliarpok - acts without being noticed
terlikpok (Padl.) - is doing nothing, stays home
tiblit - food marks in face
tiggak - a kind of seal
tiglikomerpok - steals food to eat
tiglikpok - steals, robs, etc.
tiguark, tiguangoyok - is adopted
tigumayok - is avaricious
tikitpok - arrives from afar
tigauyait - small branches
tingmisorpok - goes by airplane
tingmiyok - is flying
tipiariktok - smells good
tipsiktok - is funny, mocking
tiregluit - young seals (square flippers)
tireksorpok - acts without being seen
tiretokrat - youngsters
tireganierk - fox
torklurarpok - calls loudly
torngark - devil, spirit, etc
tuawi! quick!
tuawiorpok - acts quickly
tubjagaeksauwok - should be imitated
tubjarsiwok - follows tracks
tudjarpok - suffering from walking too much
tuertok - is narrow
tugar - ivory, walrus tusk
tukerpok - kicks backwards
tukiliarpok - goes straight ahead
tukisiwok - understands
tukkuitok - is stingy
tukkuttok - is generous
tuksirarpok - begs
tulroyok - is heavy-haired
tunerk - gift
tunisiyok - gives
tuniyok - gives
tunnuksak - white mushroom
tunnukpok - turns his back
tupakpok - is awake
tupaktitsiyok - awakes s.o.
tupkoyakiktok - almost choked with emotion
tupsiyok - finds footprints
tussangisartok - is disobedient
tussiattok - limps
tutiyok - steps on
tuyurmiarpok - goes afar to visit folks


Introduction to Eskimo words beginning with the letter U

The main idea expressed by words beginning with the letter U, is the opening of the eyes and the feelings of the soul expressed by the opening of the eyes, as: -
attention: udjertortok, is careful
interest: uiritsaktok, is very interested in
agitation: uimaktok, is excited
on the watch: ulureasuktok, is suspicious

There are also several derivated words with the same meaning, as: opening, split, etc.: ulutit, saw; ungerutit, laces (lit.: to close an opening).

ublarorpok - starts early in the morning
udjertorpok - pays attention
udjuk - big seal (square flipper)
udlayok - runs
uibjangoyok - becomes dizzy
uikait (Okk.) - young men
uimakpok - is excited
uimayarpok - is nervous
auimaitok - is calm, clear minded
uinganartok - makes pleasure
uinganartok makes one sleepy
uiritsaktok - is very playful
uitakikpok - eyes hardly open
uitayok - with eyes wide open
uitpok - opens eyes
uivarpok - goes around
uivilraiyok - flatters
uivituyok - is avaricious
ukpikarpok - falls head first
ulureasukpok - frightened, protects one's self
uluarutit - cheek tatooings
umerk, umit - beard, whiskers
umikjuktok - beard full of frost
unangmiyok - proud
unatarpok - fights
unatartuksak - soldier
unerk - dog plays
ungatarpok - is ambitious
ungayok - loves affectionately
ungomayok - repulses, chases
unikpok - stays there
uningarpok - devours
uniwok - eats any thing
uniyok - dogs (jealous of each others)
upaluarpok - is taken by surprise
upingorpok - surprises
upipok - marvels
utarak (nutara) - child
utatkriyok - waits
utterpok - returns home
uvingayok - is leaning
uvingiarpok - whistles
uyakterpok - lifts oneself on tip toes
uyaraut - diamond, precious stone


The words beginning with W come from wagnark, meaning the N.W. wind or a favorable wind to travel, work, etc. -

warayar! - how slow!
warutiksak (Padl.) - something to do
watsinak (Padl.) - do not move
wayartok, wayok (Padl.) - is at work, in full activity




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